Trailer App

The Product

Trailer is a movie trailer app, designed for a local theatre. Not only does it allow the user to watch their favorite movie trailers, it also allows them to book the seats at a nearby cinema and save the tickets in their wallet.

The Problem

Movie lovers want to watch the trailer first and need a hassle free platform to book their tickets in advance.

The Goal

Design a movie trailer app that allows a seamless user experience for watching a movie trailer and booking a ticket in advance.

My Role

UX designer for Trailer app from conception to completion.


User research, conducting interviews and surveys, paper and digital wire-framing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs.




Students are busy and on a limited schedule.

Ability to save the payment information.

Some users feel frustrated when they have to fill in their payment information on every purchase.

Save the tickets directly in their wallet

Some users don’t want to print the ticket; rather they want an in-app wallet that saves their ticket that they can just show or scan at the cinema.

Ideation and Sketches

Copy of UX Design Certificate - Storyboard [Template] (1).jpg
Copy of UX Design Certificate - Storyboard [Template].jpg


Copy of Google UX Design Certificate - Personas for designing a movie trailers App for a movie theatre in Mumbai_Page_1.jpg


Karan is a Filmmaking student who needs an app to shortlist, watch and review the relevant movies for his course without wasting any time because his final year project is due soon.

Copy of Google UX Design Certificate - Personas for designing a movie trailers App for a movie theatre in Mumbai_Page_2.jpg


Nathan is a journalist who loves to capture the culture and traditions of a place. He is new to Mumbai and wants to watch some Indian movies in a local theatre but he is not tech-savvy.


Paper Wireframes

While drawing paper wireframes was fun, it also gave me the clarity in regards to what the information architecture would be and how and where I would position certain information or buttons for the user to follow the flow easily.

Digital Wireframes

Wireframes (1)_Page_4.jpg

Research Insights

My First Board.jpg

Key Mockups

Key mockups.jpg

The trailer app gives a hassle-free and efficient platform to all users who are movie lovers or want to watch a movie on a short notice.

“The app covers all main aspects needed for watching a movie trailer and booking a ticket and is very easy to navigate”..